Monday, December 6, 2010

McKines update

Was informed that after meeting with his doctor, Wendell McKines will not be able to practice for at least 2-3 weeks. He's still rehabbing the broken foot he suffered on the first weekend of practice and is still walking in a boot.


  1. The Aggies really need McKines. I hope he chooses to play this season. If McKines redshirts, I can see the Aggies losing 20 games.

  2. I actually hope he doesn't play. This is his last year of eligibility and the year is pretty much tanked already....of course I understand the view that we should get him out there and win as much as possible.

    Another reason I think he should wait is that another year of college might help his professional (overseas) status.

    But who knows?


  3. I hope McKines Redshirts this season. I really don't care if we lose 20 games. The season is not over but outlook for next season looks good.

  4. Totally disagree with the negative comments from Anonymous. Aggies will get better as the season progresses.

  5. I think you may be overestimating the WAC. Just an opinion.

  6. Well since it takes too long to wait for this blog to get the run down of our BEAT DOWN on the thuggies i will just post here!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did all of the 7000 fans like that game!! WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!!! Im Baaaccckkk!!!! You guys are horrible. Maybe its not your coach lol, you can blame a few on the coach but damn you guys are what now 6 straight now. At some point you gotta look at the players. But I will give you props on Gillenwater, he is a fool to be playing at NMSU, he should be at UNM!! LOL but really he needs to be at like AZ or UCLA! He is a stud on the court. You guys still suck though and it will be ugly on saturday!!! And guess what, we did this thing you guys probably havent heard of in a looonnnnnnng time, its called a SELLOUT!!!!!! Cant wait.......

  7. Anon 5:55,

    I think you are completely wrong. The Aggies would be much better with McKines in the the lineup, but they won't lose twenty games without him. I say they still win 16-20 without him (have you seen what the rest of the WAC is doing?) With him they win 18-22. Now had he been with them the whole season, that's a different story, they'd have at least 2 more wins at this point, maybe more. In the long run, the Aggies will be better off if he red shirts. I think Dixon is going to make some noise as his replacement now that his red shirt has been removed.

  8. I'm sure MM and Wen will assess things when the time is right, and do what's best for the program and Wen. Good news is a decision is still a month away, if not longer, so they can assess their situation and that of other WAC teams when they decide.

    Thoughts and prayers go out to MM and his family on their loss.
    -Aggie Glare

  9. this is 5:55,

    We will not win with only two guards. If Wen redshirts, then we might get help via juco, and a whole season under kabango's belt. This year will be a down year with or without big Wen. It has nothing to do with anyone's play, but the fact we do not have the guards with experience or a scoring mentality.

  10. nice reasoning, anon 5:55 turned into 8:21! I am Alan otherwise know as anon 1:24.

    ok, here is my true reason for wanting wen to is because I like having him around...I like reading about him, his interviews, more year! one more year! :-)


  11. Anon 9:17,
    If we're horrible, what does that say about UNM? We took your arses to OT without two starters and had two starters foul out before overtime.

    We don't win in November. We win in March. That's something you've NEVER heard of...

  12. "We don't win in November. We win in March. That's something you've NEVER heard of..."

    Good stuff!

  13. Correction 12:04, we actually got to the second round last year unlike you guys!! and also we are without what is assumed to be our best player in Drew Gordon, preseason newcomer of the year!! We won stop complaining, and guess what... it will be worse on Saturday thuggies!!!!!!!! WOOF WOOF WOOF

  14. Hey Groves,

    What do you think about our two guard monster? Should Aggie fans be worried, and should the coaching staff get a juco shooting guard? Give us your take.

  15. Kabongo will be good at the 2 guard. Probably pretty soon too. Daniel Mullins, although not known for his shooting, will probably be more of a slasher next year at that spot.
