Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Wendell McKines indicated on his Twitter account  that he could be leaning to sitting the season out.

"It's already december .. That means hoop season is in 11 months. (wink wink) "

At some point upon Marvin Menzies return from California, they will meet but perhaps Wendell has made up his mind. Hoping to talk to the man himself at some point.

Menzies will likely not be in Albuquerque on Saturday, as services for his father are scheduled to be on Saturday. If that's the case, I was told Paul Weir will be the gameday coach against his former boss at Iowa. Not sure on that yet, but it's what I was told on Tuesday and Weir does scout the Lobos.

Hamidu Rahman returned to practice on Tuesday. he tried to go on Friday but it didn't go well. I spoke to him before practice on Tuesday. He said he plans to play on Saturday. The Aggies could certainly use him.


  1. Wen, if you can sit out the season and come back, do it!

    Heavy mins and shot percentatge story: JG, it was astounding how many times CK drive to the rack and got his shot rejected. Lobos had 8 blks, total. I know there were fouls that went uncalled on a few because CK just a freshman. CK's great and actually makes it to the rack whereas JY rarely got there in traffic, but JY usually could draw a foul. As his season/career progresses CK's mins are going to count for a lot more as he gets used to the Div 1 game; draws a crowd, dishes more, posterizes people, and especially gets respected by refs and draws fouls. What'd he start the season with? 13 made FT in a row?

    Whether Troy is at the next level next year or is an Aggie for 2011-12 this running might kill his legs this year but it'll be a good thing in the long run. Besides every year of Menzies' tenure somebody's been grumbling for more minutes. Well, who can complain now?

  2. It's all about 100%.
    We need him to be 100%, we want to see him 100% of the season not, 50% of the season.

    Because Wen's game is 100% effort!!

    The fan base will back him up 100% if he decides to sit out!

    Get healthy and get ready to make a deep run into the Madness next March!!

