Sunday, December 16, 2012

Alford and Menzies

Following New Mexico's 73-58 victory over New Mexico State on Saturday, Aggies coach Marvin Menzies said that the inner-state rivalry is about more than Steve Alford vs. Marvin Menzies. It's a long standing rivalry and the Aggies play four hard rivalry games every year. Menzies is right of course, but Alford is still 9-2 against the Aggies under Menzies. 


  1. I watched most of the game. NMSU was out manned, out coached and out played. Aggies have no point gurad to penetrate. We have no one who can score! my 7 year old is faster than Sim. No shooters on the outside. It was just plain ugly. Aggies have size, but no talent! I stick to my guns for this year, Aggies WILL lose 20 games. Not good, even when the WAC is garbage.

  2. A lot of people will blame Menzies and blah blah blah. Truth is you wont win with your only two senior players going 2-19 from the field. Bandja is having a terrible year and Watson has never been an offensive force. The problem with this team is that tey dont have someone who can take control of the game and that the rest of the team can lean on. Watson and Sy were mostly role players in the past 3 years, they were never stars. Now that the star is gone, they dont fit that role. Menzies really cant help the situation in which the team is in this year. They dont have great seniors to lean on and the underclassmen are still trying to learn and adjust to the system. The point guard position is still very weak and I think that has affected Mullings since he no longer benefits from the experience of LaRoche. Just growing pains. I do think Menzies needs to start thinking real hard about replacing Bandja on the starting line up, its just a terrible season for him.


  3. It's called defection.Put the focus on a rivalry not on me.


  4. It wasn't a five point game that blossomed into 15 at the free throw line. It wasn't a 25 point game that was whittled down because UNM subs were in the game at the end. It was a legitimate 15 point loss that was not surprising at all.

    No excuses, even with Chili out and Mullins slowed, the Lobos played a good game and won by a decent margin.

    As for the Aggies, they got caught in the nickel/dime game as the score widened incrementally. It didn't help that hey aided the Lobo cause by shooting ill advised 3s (Watson two in a row?) and not guarding the 3 as well as they could have.

    My prediction for the game is Cruces is for the Aggies to keep it close but still lose the game. The Lobos are a better team.

    The Aggies took care of ball, which was nice to see.

  5. For MM to say this isn't about Menzies vs Alford is a joke. He is not worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as Alford. And Alford is an average coach at best who got run out of Iowa, a very average basketball school. Jesus says we will all blame "MM blah blah blah" and then explains the issue. Well, guess who is responsible for every single player on the roster? So sad for all NMSU alum. Due to 4+ years of MM and Boston, our future sucks. MM wins the pathetically weak WAC twice (once with Reggie's recruits) and Boston thinks he's the cat's meow. Problem is, all other ADs recognize how weak a program MNSU has and won't offer MM a job. We are doomed until Boston gets canned.
    Aggie Glare

  6. Why would anyone want to remain a fan of NMSU? Pitiful programs with no excitement. Even volleyball and baseball are always one and done when they win their weak conference. If sports is the front porch of a University, I would say more than a paint job is needed to spruce up entry to NMSU.


  7. On the topic of Alford, isn't he the highest paid employee of the state of NM? Something like $1M.

    If we could afford that much, we might have a better coach than the one we have.

  8. I have defended Menzies and even wanted him to be our coach initially although the idea of Nolan Richardson was tantalizing.

    Watching that game, it became clear to me that Menzies was simply being out coached.

    The team had a sense of chaos about them. They were trying, but somehow the system didn't work....I found myself wishing we had a coach like Alford with Menzies as an assistant...he is a good assistant I guess.

