Thursday, November 15, 2012

More on the point guard

From Marvin Menzies' comments to me on Tuesday, it seems like the Aggies are committed to KC Ross-Miller at the point guard, at least for now.

"He knows he played bad. As a player when you know you don't have a good game, you get over and move on to the next competition," Menzies said.

I asked about the rotation as a whole.

"I think it's still too small of a sample size. You have to base playing time on how guys practice. After you have games, you make assessments from there. You can't have knee jerk reactions to every single possession."

It still does seem after one game that Tyrone Watson will have the ball in his hands running the offense in certain situations.

"When it gets carried away and I feel like it's too much for the guards, especially the younger guys I will go ahead and take the ball up," Watson said. "Certain parts of the game, coach feels like the ball should be in my hands."

Watson said it would take foul trouble or a rash of injuries to move him to the point guard spot full time.

"We are very confident. They have good potential and good upside. It's just a fact of gaining experience in that type of environment."

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