Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Milestone Wensday (By the Way, NMSU matched its win total from last year)

Normally Wendell McKines doesn't lack for words.

But the New Mexico State senior seemed genuinely humbled after joining Aggies great Sam Lacey as the only two players to record 1,000 points and 1,000 rebounds for a career after Wednesday's 78-57 Aggies victory over California-Bakersfield.

McKines finished with 20 points and 14 rebounds. He joined Long Beach State's TJ Robinson as the only active NCAA players to reach that 1000-1000 milestone. He's the 12th WAC player to get to 1000-1000, joining this list

Keith Van Horn, Utah (1993-97)2,542 points/1,074 reb.
Nick Fazekas, Nevada (2003-07)2,464 points/1,254 reb.
Bob Elliot, Arizona (1973-77)2,131 points/1,083 reb.
Michael Harris, Rice (2001-05)2,014 points/1,111 reb.
Josh Grant, Utah (1988-93)2,000 points/1,066 reb.
Kenny Thomas, UNM (1996-99)1,931 points/1,032 reb.
Micahel Cage, SDSU (1980-84)1,846 points/1,317 reb.
Reginald Slater, UW (1988-92)1,809 points/1,197 reb.
Al Fleming, Arizona (1973-76) 1,765 points/1,190 reb.
Paul Millsap, LA Tech (2003-06)1,708 points/1,172 reb.
Mitch Smith, Utah (1985-89)  1,628 points/1,036 reb.

Wendell McKines:
"When they announced it early, it kind of put pressure on me to get it tonight."

"It's an honor. It's something I'm going to take with me the rest of my life. I take pride in being an Aggie. I think I'll be able to explain it later on. Right now, I'm just living in the moment and enjoying this ride. ... It's been my foundation since I came to college. I never went away from my strength. I take pride in doing that on both ends of the floor. As the years went on, I guess they just added up. ... I'm into things like that. When I was a kid, I used to always watch NBA's Greatest Games. I'm really into history and looking at the pedigree and for me to be in that class, I'm humbled by it and that's tough for me to say. ... I've always counted rebounds. I don't necessarily count points but I feel as if I can be selfish with rebounds. ... My freshman year, all I wanted to do was rebound and dunk the basketball. I was just enjoying the college atmosphere and living in that moment. I wasn't necessarily thinking about three or four years ahead. If I was, I probably would have snatched more rebounds from Martin Iti and Hatila. ... I have to thank my teammates and coaching staff, just believing in me and giving me that confidence and sticking with me. Sometimes I get frustrated but teammates and coaching staff throughout the whole time I've been here just stuck with me and believed in me and I couldn't have done it without them. "

on the second half of WAC play
"We just have to finish strong. It's a different focus. Everybody has played each other once. You just do things differently. If you need to play harder against a certain team, you do that. It's all about adjustments and execution and effort at this point in time of the year. Our talent is undeniable so as long as we do the little things. The effort, and keeping the ball, and we will be fine.

On La. Tech
"they like to run, get it out quick. They like to pressure the ball. They lost some close games so they are coming in with confidence and we just have to match that confidence if not exceed it."

"We are always prepared to play ugly games. That's the style that fits us I guess, but making shots is just icing on the cake. All about repetition and confidence. We shot better today and if we can do that moving forward I think we will have a good chance."

Marvin Menzies
"Really happy with the way we played, especially the second half. You can point to a few things that we didn't do well as far as careless turnovers but at the end of the day, most of those were the type that we can correct. We have to do it. We have to do a much better job taking care of the ball Saturday night. We made a lot of jump shots tonight. We took good 3 pointers and high percentage 3s and thats why we shot better. We fought back on the rebounding side. I thought the zone was critical for us as well in the second half. They held a very good 3 point shooting team to 17 percent shooting for the game. They had us beat at their place and we knew what we had in front of us."

Bakersfield was the first team in some time to play man for most of the game.
"I think if it had been closer, they would have spotted the zone more. I think that their philosophy was to get back into the game, he didn't want to sit back in a zone. He wanted to try to get after us a little bit. It always helps when you make shots."

On Wendell McKines
"I'm glad I recruited him. he's my first recruit signed so for him to reach that milestone, it's a shared accolade. I feel really good about bringing him to New Mexico State and I'm happy that he was able to achieve that for himself. Now we move forward. Its a great goal he set for himself at the beginning of the year and for him to reach it this early with a lot of games left. Reaching our win total from last year tonight and doing some things statistically that are very good only really can be celebrated if you end on a high note in terms of how we perform in the second round of WAC games."

"We talked about this game being an opportunity to right the ship in some of the statistical areas we haven't done well in and to get our confidence in terms of shooting the ball and I think we did that. Especially on your home floor, you can do that. We will see if I'm correct on Saturday.

On Bandja
"We talked to him about his mid range game and bouncing it a little bit more and getting that one dribble pull up because he shoots that pretty well. He had been settling for the 3 at times. The one he made tonight was a no brainer. Prepared to catch and shoot it on an inside out type of action. he was 4-of-7 tonight so he had good selection."


  1. Different looking Aggie team. A little surprising. Turnovers an issue still.

    Nice game. Hope they can maintain the focus and level of play.

  2. YAY WENDELL...the first Aggie basketball player who has made my pantheon of aggie heros for something like 30 years...since I was a will be missed...although I will follow your career...

  3. I can barely understand why NMSU plays ENMU, WNMU, and NM Highlands, but Northern NM College? What is going on with that. And toward the end of the season? Is this state mandated? If so, why does UNM not put them on their schedule?

  4. Was I missing something? My kids and I were looking for the Fresno State Bulldog pinata that should have been hanging from the rafters after NMSU won they game? Where is the FSU bulldog?

  5. My guess regarding the NNMC (and Bakersfield) game(s) is that we had to struggle to fill 2 slots that would have normally been filled by Boise St in the smaller WAC. Independents or lower division squads are the only teams with free dates in Feb. Most WAC schools have a mid conference game like this.

  6. Wendell is one of the great Aggies. No question a top 20 all time player. Maybe top 10.
