Thursday, November 18, 2010

At Arizona

Spoke with Wendell McKines prior to tipoff. First off he wanted to say hello to Aggies fans who may follow this blog. He said he thinks he's two weeks away from being able to practice. He goes back to his doctor on Dec. 7. He said he asked his doctor if there was something that would be a bad sign and the doctor told him, Pain. McKines said he has been pain free since the surgery. He said in his heart he wants to return this year, but isn't going to let emotions make the decision for him.

Also for any familiar with Tucson, feel free to suggest postgame suggestions for a hungry and or thirsty reporter who was hoping for a media spread at the McKale Center but was let down after making the drive.

9-7 NMSU 13:25 Hernst Laroche picked up his second foul with 1648 to play in the half. Kabongo came in and Arizona got on track. Laroche checks back in at 11:57. Arizona on a 10-3 run after back-to-back 3s. NMSU daring them to shoot 3 in the zone missed their first five 3s prior to the last two.


  1. I hope he Wendell is completely well before attempting to play.

  2. JG you need to hit up In-N-Out or Guero Canelos. GC is a sonoran hot dog joint. Absolutely amazing!

  3. Wow! We just quit the last 5 minutes of the game. Not a good sign.

    I love our team. Hopefully they learn from this!!!

  4. Quitting was the smart thing to do do seeing as you have back to back games versus stout competition on Sat and Sun.

    What up, Wendell!

  5. Great news regarding Wendell! Tough game at Arz hopefully we can come away with at least one of the two this weekend...Lets Go Aggies!
