Sunday, November 21, 2010

Another bad loss

I guess games in November don't matter in Las Cruces. The Aggies had a good opportunity to set themselves up later down the line I thought. Even without Wendell McKines, I didn't expect the get blown out on three straight nights. I can't say that I'm surprised they lost their last three, although USC didn't seem very good. But to get blown out isn't a good sign before a long trip on Monday and a game against another good team on Tuesday at UTEP, who hasn't had to leave El Paso yet. I've never been a Division I basketball player, but I don't see how the Aggies can blame the road trip for the poor start this early in the season when legs should still be there. The Aggies are 17 of 55 from the field (31 percent) in their last two first halves, essentially ending the game before it even started.

Menzies said that there was obviously an issue with Troy Gillenwater, who missed his only five field goal attempts and was limited to eight minutes, none in the second half. Hopefully more will be explained tomorrow. Gillenwater seems like a player to me who is capable of putting up numbers if things are going good. If not, it seems like he gets taken out of a game easily. If it was a Menzies decision to bench him and try to teach a lesson, I think it cost the Aggies a shot at a win. The bench did its job in the first half, pulling the Aggies to within three. To me, that's when you put Rahman, Laroche and Gillenwater back in. It didn't happen and the Trojans pulled away late in the half.


  1. Maybe that fellow who touted Canada's educational system can explain it. Oh yeah, he's the same guy who said the Aggies ARE a Top 25 team.

    Yeah. Right.

  2. I will still support the Aggies, but this is really frustrating. It's the same thing with them every year under Menzies. Last year they were lucky, very lucky, to win the WAC tourney but I don't think that will happen this year. Lots of talent, but wimpy players with no heart.

  3. This could turn into a 7 game losing streak. I attend all games and have for the past 23 years. I will always be "AGGIES" all the way, but this is starting to get OLD!!! Step one to losing Attendance has happened. Step 2 could start Tuesday night. If the Aggies lose 3 or 4 of the next 4. You can kiss attendance over 5K away!!!

  4. Losing McKines' rebounding and scoring has hurt the Aggies. More importantly, losing his "heart" has cost the Aggies in ways that aren't really apparent, but they are there.

    If the Ags play to their ability, they should win almost all of their remaining games. If they don't, we'll see some wins and a lot of frustrating losses.

    The players have to choose what it will be.


  5. I think the main problem that the Aggies have and that JG talked about in his post is that the Aggies are building their offense around Gillenwater. He is obviously the best player that we have but that doesnt mean that he is one of those players that the offense can run through. He plays well when things go well but when things go bad Ive seen him get frustrated with the team around him and he takes himself out of the game. Gillenwater is at his best when he has players to rally around and who can complement his abilities. The Aggies need to play as a team and not as players who rely on Gillenwater to get them through the game.


  6. NM State has a good reputation in basketball and they could recruit more college-ready players than they have been recruiting under Menzies. I'm not against players from other countries playing in the NCAA, but enough with the foreign players that are 20 (of course I'm being a little saracastic to prove a point) year projects...the Aggies need players that will do something within their 4 years at NM State. NM State needs players that already know how to play some damn basketball. The Aggies need basketball players with fundamentals, not raw athletes still learning how to dribble. Laroche has started something like 69 or 70 consecutive games and he still plays like a freaking freshman sometimes...the same with's ridiculous.

    I remember guys like Keith Hill, Steve Colter and Ernest Patterson contributing from the very beginning. They were real basketball players...guys like Rahman and Laroche are just good foreign athletes playing basketball because they are getting a scholarship for it.

    It always makes me laugh when Menzies recruits a Canadian player and the local media touts "one of the best high school players in Canada"....some of the top players in Canada wouldn't even make the All-State teams here in New Mexico...give me a break...being a top player in Canada means very little. Only a handful are any good. The few really good ones go to schools like Texas.

  7. The Aggies cannot stop dribble penetration nor do they have any weak side help. It's hard to watch.

    Wendell McKines is missed more than folks can realize.

  8. In reply to Anonymous 7:13am: sorry to say you do not know what you are talking about. First of all I hope you realize that Canadian Steve Nash is an all-Pro NBA basketball player. Second apparently you have lumped Rahman in with foreigners because of color(he is from New Jersey or at least that is where he played his high school). Third, Laroche is the 1st or 2nd best guard in the WAC and statistically in the upper echelon in the country. He runs the team well which is what a point guard is supposed to do. Based on what you have stated, I have to say you don't know much about basketball or rather than a little sarcastic you are a little prejudiced.

    Big Al

  9. I agree with Big Al, to say that foreign players are worse than American born players is stupid. If that was the case why isnt BJ starting? He was graded an 88 coming out of high school and yet he cant over take Sy or Watson for the other forward spot. The team in general is playing poorly and it has nothing to do with how many foreign players we recruit.


  10. We just need to get back to playing basketball. Focus, heart, and determination is missing from this team right now. Hopefully we can fight against the Miners in EP and get back to Cruces with a W. After that, our players can actually sleep in their own beds which is something they haven't done in about a week now.

  11. One thing foreign students bring is good academic backgrounds. We don't seem to have problems with them making grades. Not having that worry is a definite plus.


  12. Okay, Anon 5:07 you should not lurk around JG's blogsite if you are that easily disappointed.

    Uh, here's logic for Aggies: Not all of the teams in the Top 25 are going to be undefeated.

    If you have to bust a_ _ playing AZ one night for a payday and then fly on your recovery day to the East Coast and play on consecutive days you are probably not going to win those games.

    Good! Troy should find that level of play unacceptable and rightly so! He feels just like all of the disgruntled blogger, JG.

    Beat UTEP twice and things will be looking up...
    - Guy who said Aggies are Top 25
