Monday, October 4, 2010

Question for readers

I was hoping to do a Mailbag of sorts for the print and online version of the Sun-News this year. That is assuming that I could get five to 10 questions regarding NMSU and/or WAC questions a week from folks who follow this little blog? And assuming I'm smart enough to come up with an answer. What do you think? It would also require a name and location when you write in, which I hope won't discourage questions. They will remain private until they show up in print, online and on the blog. I have to approve all comments before they are published.

I got an email for the 2010-11 John Wooden Award preseason Top 50. Here are some names I thought you might find interesting. Let me know if you want the whole list.

2010-11 NMSU opponents
Randy Culpepper, UTEP sr
Nikola Vucevic USC jr
Derrick Williams Arizona sophomore

Other notable names perhaps

Kalin Lucas, Mich. State sr.
Durrell Summers, Mich. State sr.
Jeffery Taylor, Vanderbilt junior, two-year player at Hobbs High


  1. Culpepper is pretty decent, but he loses a little in my opinion being a showboater.

    I'm not sure UTEP uses him correctly, but that's just good for us and the other teams the Miners face.

  2. I agree with 7:38, but I'm interested to see how the new coaching staff will use Culpepper.

  3. Jason take this post to

    The dudes there will question you senseless.

  4. Jason post this on

    the NMSU die hards there will make sure you get questions

  5. When you say name, do you want first and last or just first?

  6. I will gladly participate. Seems like a good idea.

  7. Huge honor for Culpepper to be the only guy nominated from a half-way decent conference. Jimmy thinks he is deserving. Most of the showboating is during early warm-ups before the refs arrive. Get to the UTEP game ONE HOUR EARLY this year! Trust me, it's the last chance to see Randy do his thang and it'll be a wang-dand-doodle. -Spud Webb
