Saturday, February 27, 2010

A win is a win?

I'll give Coach Menzies the first word here.

"That is the best 3-11 team in the United States, trust me."

Fortunately for Menzies, his team is just as capable of shooting the 3 as any team they have faced or will face the remainder of the season. Both teams were 41 percent from long range.

I asked Menzies about the slow down game, and he was right that they were scoring or getting good looks even after waiting until the shot clock wound down. My only gripe is that the Aggies aren't a defensive team and taking the air out of the ball doesn't do any good when you give up a wide open 3 at the other end does it? That's how Boise stuck around.

I hope tonight's game puts an end to any remaining Troy Gillenwater should start arguments. Troy is great coming off the bench giving Rahman rest and he will certainly be in the game when it matters most late in games, but Wendell nearly equaled Troy's rebounding total (5) in eight fewer minutes and Rahman was the only Aggie with a double-double. Troy is a good shot blocker, but I would rather have rebounding. You give a team that many follow shots and it gets them going early I think.

The Aggies did a good job beating the last two WAC teams handily so I guess three straight blowouts was too much to ask for, but are you concerned at all heading back on the road this week?


  1. The Aggies are playing with fire on defense, or lack of defense that is.

    Nevada will be pumped up for the Aggies. Utah State, the same. If NMSU doesn't learn how to defend and rebound better, they could easily walk away from the next two away with losses.

  2. You damn skippy it's a concern!

    This team although talented, has the tendencies to turn it off really early.
    They have yet to develope that killer instinct and finish teams off.

    They have two games remaining and control their own destiny.
    Let's see what happens but, yes, I am concerned.


  3. A win is a win. This isn't the Olympics where you have to worry about the scores on style from the Russian judges. The Aggies are 16 and 3 over the past 19 games and that is good. Saying that, if they play like they did last night over the next 2 weeks, they will not have a good ending to the season. They did not play interior defense, couldn't rebound and the wrong players were taking 3 point shots early into the clock. This week is interesting and if the Aggies can't win both games, the Nevada game is the key. If the Aggies win, they get the 2 seed and wouldn't Nevada get the 4. That sets up a Nevada - USU semi. That wears out the winner. The problem is either La Tech or San Jose are tough outs for the Aggies. This is great and that's what makes college basketball so much fun for the fan.

  4. This Aggie team has the talent, but lacks the discipline. If, by some miracle, the Aggies win the WAC tournament, they will get knocked out in the first round of the NCAA tourney.

    They simply lack the discipline needed to go any further.

  5. This Aggie team has the talent, but lacks the discipline. If, by some miracle, the Aggies win the WAC tournament, they will get knocked out in the first round of the NCAA tourney.

    They simply lack the discipline needed to go any further.

  6. I'm concerned by the continuos let down.
    One week left in the season and we are still talking about week one issues. Not good.


  7. Lets remember that this Aggie team, who is having a great 2010, has only played 6 games at full strength with TG. This team does have some issues on defense and closing out games but we are doing great in one category and that's winning close games. Good teams win close games which the Aggies have done against teams like USU, UOP, BSU and Idaho on the road. La Tech in Cruces. Hawaii on the road. you get the point. Keep playing hard Aggies. I agree with a previous poster that the key game is Nevada.


  9. Except for a few of you posters, you are whining like you were at the beginning of the season. I agree with Anon 9:16 who points out that they are 16-3 in the last 19 games. I think you would not even be satisfied if they were 19-0 over that period. I am perfectly happy with the season that started out with two quality players grounded. They have responded well and are in good position for the Tournament. Go Aggies!

    Big Al

  10. This is clearly a team that plays to the level of their competition. They shut it down against Idaho too, only the Vandals were too inept to make us pay for it.

    As such, I'm not really all that concerned about the effort level in Reno and Logan. We won't have a chance to shut it down.

  11. Anon 2:24

    I have to disagree in what appeared to be you praising the Aggies for winning close games against BSU, Idaho, and Hawaii. Yes, the Aggies have done a good job at winning close hames BUT this is nothing to be proud of considering who we have won them against. Hanging on for a win against a Boise team that is last in the WAC is pathetic. Idaho and Hawaii are the bottom of the WAC and yet we only beat them by a combined 5 points at their place? No, that is nothing to praise the team over. I'll take the low scoring close win against USU in the beginning of the year but not this one. Its a win but Menzies does not have the discpline as a coach to put the other team away. How can his defensive scheme allow Boise to score their second highest total of the season? He claims that the team can score when he slows down the game but I agree with Jason when he said that it does no good when Boise went the other way and responded with a 3. The Aggies are having a good season but at this point in time they should be winning big against teams that they are supposed to beat. The bench players which will have to step up next season and on which our future is based on should have seen more minutes in the last few games but they have not. All because the game plan that Menzies has in place for when we are winning big is not working.


  12. I'm gonna have to agree with JB there.

  13. The Aggies opened the can of whoop ass Jimmy lobbied for but then allowed BSU to close the gap. Idaho might easily have done the same thing, JG (shot 3 balls), but DeSouza was in the doghouse and not allowed to bomb treys. College teams can easily break a zone by shooting over it or attacking it at the elbow. Not sure how much Man M.Menzies played in the Boise game, but I was glad to see NMSU man-up versus Idaho. It doesn't make much sense to criticize players for lack of "D" if they're covering their zone and the offense hits a three or finds the seams. Also, if one guy is killing you (i.e. Mr. Arnold) why not make somebody else beat you? The NMSU bench is deep enough from playing the early season sans Wendell. Spell Merker and Sy on the guy, but don't let him go off for 35 and nearly beat you. JY did that to BSU up there his freshman outing. Yikes!

  14. HAHA. People hating on Menzies still. It's unbelievable.
