Friday, January 29, 2010

No Gillenwater this weekend

I called Braun Cartwright late Friday afternoon. He said that they expect a decision next week, probably early in the week. I know we have heard that before, but he seemed fairly confident that we would hear something next week. I hope so as well


  1. I'll be glad when this waiting for "the announcement" on Gillenwater ends. We need to move on and not be concerned about the NCAA. The Aggies are a capable team playing well without him. He didn't cut the mustard, and that should really be the end of the story.

    Maybe he'll be around next season. Maybe not. For this season, let's move on with the guys who suit up each week.

  2. Wow Boston is going all out to rescue the basketball team huh?

  3. Jason,

    If TG does not come back this year will he be a Jr next year?

  4. Sorry Anon. Yea, if he's not cleared, Troy would be back as a junior since he was a redshirt player his first year
