Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aggies win third straight, 9th in 11 games

NMSU is playing great offensive basketball right now and Jonathan Gibson is having an exceptional senior season.
I think if I had to name a MVP, i would go with either Gibson or McKines. The Aggies turnaround coincides with Wendell's return so you can't take that for granted. But Gibson was the only guard who was consistently knocking down shots all season while JY, Gordo and Hernst found their stroke.
There was a three minute stretch where Gibson and Young combined to hit five 3s. I don't think you see that too often. The Aggies' 32 3-point attempts were four off a school record. Gibson's 6 makes from 3 were three off Eric Channing and Terry Bennett's mark of nine. Gibson's 14 attempts from deep was one off Brad Bestor and Jeff McCool's record 15.
But I would say that few of them were bad shots. It appears this is what the Aggies are going to be this year and as long as they are falling, you can't argue I don't think. Fresno State has weapons but the Bulldogs showed that they can't hang with the Aggies pace, turning the ball over eight times in the second half while nmsu had four in the second half.

Nice games by Hamidu Rahman (9 and 7) and Hernst Laroche (seven and 10 assists) and Abdoulaye N'doye played 12 solid minutes.

I'll have more tomorrow.


  1. McKinnis' presence sure makes a difference. We easily gained 10 points and 10 rebounds from the players he replaced in the lineup. And it shows in the "w" column.

  2. Just to comment on your post, I agree it is too early to name a MVP, but Gibson is playing much better this year and helping out at the point which he did not seem to want to do in prior years. But if you base your MVP on points(which it seems you are) then Young and Gibson should be co MVPs. Many times MVPs are set aside for the players who do the dirty work necessary for the team to be successful and so far that would be McKines and Laroche. Last night McKines got 15 rebounds and 13 points and Laroche had 10 assists and 0 turnovers and they have been doing it all season(although McKines' season has been shorter). But I agree that the team is currently showing the flashiness that we are accustomed to seeing in the Pan Am Center. Maybe McKines was right about his comments on attendance, 6106 fans last night was a very bush league fan turnout for a WAC championship contending team! And finally, gee, maybe Menzies is doing something right, you think!?

    Big Al

  3. Groves,

    You have the chance to help the attendance situation in LC with your articles. Think about it. Those kids are playing well and they deserve better turnouts. Please challenge the locals in your writings.

  4. Gibson has played intense D all year too--which is not something you typically see from guys who have a scoreing mentality. Big props to him.

    I think they will live & die by the three. I don't have a problem with the 3s becasue they get decent looks, but I would like to see a more inside out game. Too many times they just pass it around the perimeter until someone shoots it. Like the high post with McKines, and/or dumping it into Rahaman. If he can hit the open man with a kick out or a slasher, I think the 3s would be more open, and they'd get more easy buckets inside.

  5. Big Al,

    Wen is right in that we have a horrible fan base but he is wrong in calling them out the way he did. Why? Because he has not done anything to recruit people to the Pan Ameican Center. I dont see Wen any other basketball player or coach around campus asking people to go to the games. I dont see any basketball member going to the dorms, Corbett or Taos to mingle with the students which would sure result in more students at the game. Las Cruces has been lazy in not showing up to games but I think that both parties are guilty for the poor attendance. After all, whats the point of winning games if you dont make people take notice?


  6. Anon at 12:52
    Perhaps you're right. I have tried to write stories that I think will encourage people to come out, either by putting things like Wendell's comments out there or by writing stories that illustrate that fans haven't been coming out. But I think the biggest thing is for the team to keep winning games. Wendell asked me how many were there last night and when I told him it was an announced 6,000, he said it sounded like more and that's all the players care about is a lively crowd.

    Anon at 9:56 a.m.
    It's not all about scoring. The reason I would pick Gibson above Young right now is that maybe people forget that Young got off to a slow start shooting the ball and has certainly picked it up as of late, but Gibson has been consistent all year. He has also done a nice job defending either the point or the shooting guard. And, other than the UTEP game when Young took over, Gibson has shown the ability to hit the big shot, scoring big buckets against Utah State and Fresno State

  7. Gibson is finally living up to his skill. He has been smarter about not jacking up a 3 when it was not appropriate (i.e, no rebounders underneath or he not have a good look at it.). His defense has mostly been there. At the beginning of the season he looked too much for the spectacular steal and wasn't paying attention to the consequences (e.g. no team mate in a position for backup defense.) When he has run the point, he acts like a true point guard and not the pure shooter. (E.g. how many assists have you seen him give JY? A LOT!!) I hope he keeps this up for the rest of the season and he continue to show senior leadership.

  8. Whats the word on Gillenwater?

  9. Have lost any players? I hear Gomez and Standley are gone. Find it hard to believe though.

  10. Menzies said Gomez is in LA after a pre-existing eye condition flared up. He said he is waiting to hear from Gomez and his doctors. Standley, I'm not sure on yet. It would be unfortunate to lose either one. Before the season, I heard that Standley had a harder time adjusting to the level of competition though and he's not able to practice.

  11. Justin Standley transfered to another school. I believe he went to Western Nebraska Junior College.

  12. Yep, Wen makes a HUGE difference. He is such a quality guy that all you idiots think is worth spending on and time on to watch. Did you all go help him get out of jail Friday night so he could play on Saturday. What a freaking joke all this is. Real nice representation of all of us who live here and are from here. You all just keep on supporting him and all those idiots in that program. There are many other teams on that campus who do it the right way, work hard and who are trying to get it done. Go support some of them. Stand up for what is right and make a statement.
    This NMSU mens basketball team reminds me of the Cleveland State Mouse McFadden teams who won games, but then S**t hit the fan and they showed out to be real thugs and renegades.

  13. Well, I'm glad we have a saint on the board here to tell us who we should and shouldn't root for. You know, glass houses and all. I love the internet with all it's anonimity.

    GO AGGIES!!!!

  14. Cmon Groves. Give us something on the WM situation. All the other WAC bloggers have something on it. Where you at?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.
