Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's getting rough

The Aggies were beaten to the ball, outrebounded by 10, seven on the offensive glass and UTEP scored 27 points off turnovers.
Menzies did put this one on his own shoulders, which was interesting to see because I can't remember him doing that...and making it a point a couple times to back it up.

To add insult to injury, Tuesday was the Miners biggest victory in Las Cruces since a 70-51 win in 1963. The previous big win at the Pan Am was 75-59 in 1972. And the Miners did it without Moultrie, their best player, not really even engaged once the Miners pulled away.

Tonight showed that if the Aggies have any hopes of having a good season, JY and gibson can't have a bad night, which they did tonight and probably will again.


  1. JG

    I appreciate all the perspective on the games and the updates. It's not much fun to be an Aggie basketball fan right now.

    Please post video the post-game news conference if you can.


  2. Cant, beat the Blows and Slimers in Cruces,,,,,,,,,,you lose your JOB!!!! 2 and 10 since coming to Cruces against our Rio Grande Rivals. It time to start looking for a New Coach and AD.

    Bring in Rocky Long as AD!


  3. No rebounding. Pathetic defense. Terrible shot selection when the 3's weren't falling. Careless passing.

    The Aggies really stunk up the Pan Am Center.

    I liked that Coach Barbee called off the dogs on the last possession. They let the clock run out. I think the Miners were embarrassed tonight. They were embarrassed because the level of competition was so beneath them.

    Congrats coach Menzies. For the first time in over twenty years of being a ticket holder, I left the Pan Am center not caring about an Aggie loss.

  4. Fundamentals. Discipline. Passion. The three things that in my opinion were the difference tonight. The Aggies played with neither and UTEP showed that they are a team, not a two man punch like they were last year. The zone either has to improve drastically or dropped for man to man. When Gillenwater and McKines return Castillo and Lumpkins should be buried in the bench. Lumpkins looks confused and scared every time he has the ball. Castillo couldnt make a three to save his life while the kid in buckets for bucks managed to make one. Hamidu cant give up on the game like he did today; on one rebound he stuck is hand out but did nothing. Another time he had his hands on his hips watching the game until he noticed that Portalatin was already about ten feet away. Gibson and JY were forcing shots which didnt work but frustration had already set in. From what I saw tonight and this season, Menzies has no control over this team. They have no character on the court, they dont play together, and they dont have any chemistry. It seems like they play not to lose rather than to win. Like I said in other post, we didnt lose anyone significant from last season..... how can we be worse?


  5. horrible.

    marvin menzies needs to take a serious step back and consider his methods before his job is being offered around like the last piece of thanksgiving pie.

    give tyrone watson minutes. lessen lumpkins time. focus on defense and find an offense that doesnt consist of the guard dribbling up top while four players stand around watching.....FLEX?

  6. I told you all to stay at home and watch the Victoria's Secret fashion show.

    Marvin Menzo is now 2-8 vs. our rivals, 2-10 by the middle of the month.

    It's about time people wake up to this joke of a coach. He inherited an NCAA caliber team and kept them a couple of wins over 500% most of the year and that has been his calling card.

    Hey Menso,
    Why don't you call Hal Dumme and see if they need a ball boy at McDonalds St. because, your toast!!!

    I'm giving my four season tickets away for the rest of the year and won't re-new my seats until Menso is gone!

  7. rebound, follow your shot rebound, follow your shot rebound, follow your shot rebound, follow your shot rebound, follow your shot rebound, follow your shot rebound, follow your shot basic basketball. Its going to be a long year. Go Aggies.

  8. Aggies made sportscenter, except
    that it was for Culpepper's steal and slam that landed the #3 spot on top plays. Oh they did manage to mention the final score. Way to make us proud guys. UGH!

  9. Do the Aggies have a mens basketball team? The one that played last night sure looked like NMSU's football team.

  10. Doesn't look like it's going to be a good year for Aggie basketball-just what we need after an uninspiring football season-can't Coach Menzies light a fire under these players?-Tired of Losing

  11. I think it is interesting that even in the Aggies' terrible 6-24 season in 2004-2005, we still put up a better fight against an NCAA UTEP team led by Fili Rivera. It is pathetic that a team loaded with talent gets blown out by a rival in its own house.

    The comments above have summarized the problems on the floor with this team, and I agree with them all. There is no need to restate them here. What I will say is that Menzies does not have these guys playing hard. Is that his fault? Probably. But I'd also like to see the players man up and play the game with pride.

    Regarding Menzies future, I don't see the harm in firing him in mid-season. I say if McKinnes and/or Gillenwater come back and the Aggies still perform poorly, off with his head. Boston can get on the market for a new coach early if he takes bold action.

    By the way, is there anybody who believes Menzies should retain his job? If so, I would love to hear that argument. I sat in front of my computer for 20 minutes trying to come up with one justification for retaining Menzies. I'm a lawyer and I'm used to taking difficult stands, but for the life of me I cannot think of one good reason to keep this guy.

  12. Anon 10:12, so Lumpkins and Gordo should be benched and have Gillenwater and McKines start? Why? The last two proved they don't care about the team at all when they got themselves ineligible. What messages does this send to the rest of the team if you start TG and WM immediately?

    While at it, why not bench JY and JG--it's not like either one of them played well last night? They both play selfish show-off basketball. Lumpkins and Gordo did not lost this game. We have no head coach, that's the real problem.

  13. I agree as well with the rest of the everyone that has posted before me. Additionally how in today's NCAA athletic world with tutors, mentors, grad assistants assigned to make sure that athletes attend class do two players become academically ineligible? How did this happen? Somebody's head should roll. And yes one more failure under Menzies watch....Please Santa bring me a competitive mens basketball team...

  14. Everything you guys are saying now I've been saying since this blog was started...and I got crucified for it...Menzies should have never been hired....I told you so, told you so, told you so....it's about time all of you on here see that Menzies is a lousy coach.

  15. call 646*1211 and be heard!!!!!

  16. December 2, 2009 6:55 PM
    Please don’t blame anyone but the players for not going to place. Its not the academic staff's ob to drag players from their bed to their classes. Sign up for that job and you can play nanny and care giver it you want.

    I never thought Menzies should have been hired in the first place. If you read his bio where does it state that he played basketball anywhere? He may be able to sell the dead beat players on coming to NMSU but he cant coach worth a lick. Just ask the player and they will tell you. I did and the one player said that MM is the worst coach he ever had and wants to transfer next season.

  17. What a shame that our talented players' spirits have been reigned in by their passionless coach. Menzies' "losing is a learning experience" mentality has got to go. Mild Mannered Marvin should look into vacancies for Life Coaches in the Social Work Department...he certainly isn't cutting it as a basketball coach.

  18. Every post game interview with Menzies includes a comment about watching the tape and seeing what needs to be changed. He might want to pay attention during the game and do some actual coaching instead of posturing for the fans by repeatedly demonstrating to players how to post up and guard.

  19. Marvin Menzies - nice guy, miserable coach

    Our players, some of whom have experienced success with other coaches who don't believe losing is an acceptable outcome, deserve much better than this.

  20. JG, have you heard anything about McKines, and Gillenwater on pace to become eligible?

  21. OK, everyone knows that Menzies is a terrible coach but, he was brought in because he can recruit.

    Well, almost all of his recruit are in-eligible or have problems with the NCAA clearinghouse.
    Why bring them in if they can't get on the court?

    I can't believe I'm saying this but, I hope we lose the rest of the schedule just so Menzies can get the axe.
    Sorry guys but, I'd rather my losses now, rather than later.

  22. Anon 5:27,

    Please dont try to make an argument that because Wen and Gillenwater failed they shouldnt start in place of Gordo and Lumpkins because they didnt. This is sports not academics and as much as you want things to be fair their not. Results in the court are far more important than results in the classroom. If that wasnt the case then why is everyone here asking if Gillenwater and Wen coming back? I havent seen anyone but you come out and say that they should earn their spot. The general attitue to me seems that as soon as Wen is back he is replacing Lumpkins. People want to win and winning means putting your best players out there. If winning didnt matter Weis would still be coaching at Notre Dame. I agree with you that its not fair to Gordo and Lumpkins but they are not better than Wen and Gillenwater. That will always win until the player is kicked out of the program for too many issues.


  23. It is funny to me that everybody is jumping on the "Fire Menzies" bandwagon, when some of us saw this coming when he was hired. #1. No school hired him to be a HEAD COACH for 25 years ... #2. He took one of the best teams we've had EVER, which should have made the NCAA tourney, and coached them out of that chance. That team had Justin Hawkins, Fred Peete, Hatila Passos, Martin Iti, J.Gibson, Wendell McKines, Herb Pope and JY (albeit the last half of the season). Each of the first 4 are playing professional now while it looks like Herb Pope will be a 1st round pick in this June's draft (look at his stats and quotes from his coach at Seton Hall).
    I'm so sick of losing from football that I can't even watch our games now because of the frustration; combination is nice talent with JY, Laroche and Gibson and HORRIBLE HORRIBLE coaching.

    Dr. Boston, do we need to purchase a billboard near University stating "Dr. Boston, please replace Menzies with a competent and motivation coach ala ................. Reggie Theus.

    I, for one, would love to see Gus Hauser back as the head coach here. I realize has 'relatively' low experience in the coaching bizz, but he is definitely and up-and-coming coach; he is intelligent, a great role-model for the players, a motivator and he commands respect; finally, when he was here with Theus, HE WAS THE ONE CALLING MOST OF THE PLAYS; drawing up plays, explaining plays, motivating players, etc. His enthusiasm during games and practice were exceptional and it was contagious to the team; which is what this team needs desperately in order to be successful.
    Next year, if Menzies is still the head coach, it is going to be bleak to say the least. We have the possibility of JY leaving for the NBA, and some players exploring transfer options. We have zero big-time recruits coming in; only partial academic qualifiers from Stone-ridge Prep.

    Look Hauser up:


    Take a minute to look at his qualifications. Another plus is that he would not break NMSU's bank.

    Here are some other young up-and-coming coaches who were given chances.
    Brad Stevens; Butler University, age 32, 30 when hired.
    Dan Fife; IPFW 30, 26 when hired.
    Jeff Capel; Virginia Commonwealth, 30 when hired.

  24. If we have McKines and/or Gillenwater back, is the team really going to be that much better? It seems to me that we are relying on two players to make a miracle happen. After all Menzies will still be the head coach with no game plan. Not to mention that we are yet to see if all other players will remain eligible after the fall semester.

    As for whether TG and WM should start, my answer is no. I don't care if this is athletics and not academics. You can't have athletics without academics. if you don't take care of academics then I don't want to see you playing. You can't be a leader if you fail yourself. We have too many off the court issues with basketball players already. Both Gillenwater and McKines were given a second chance at NMSU--neither one of them would be even here if they were going to be eligible at the schools they originally selected. So please don't come to me with the whole second chance excuse and it's athletics and not academics.

  25. Anon 2:06

    I never made a point about being a second chance and all you have to do is go back to two years ago. Hatila was not able to play games because of academics so Iti stepped up. That didnt give him the starting role the rest of the season or give him more minutes than Hatila. Why? Because even though Iti took care of business in the classroom Hatila was the better player. Like I said, its not fair but thats the way it is. And are you kidding me? Of course the team will be better with Wen and Gillenwater. Wen was only the leading rebounder in the WAC last season but you're , Gordo and Lumpkins have taken care of that right? Gillenwater has to improve his game a lot from last season but I highly doubt anyone would take Gordo or Lumpkins over him with the way they have been playing. Im sure Menzies wont.


  26. Just looked at Hauser and I tend to agree with him, especially if Hauser was as involved with as much of the motivating and play calling while he was here. The team that he helps coach now is 5-2. Why not give him a shot? His coaching cant be worse than Menzies.

  27. Gordo and Lumpkins have done nothing but sucked this season. They should both transfer!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!! GO LOBOS!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Maybe we can get Darren Spence to coach both the men and women BB teams?
    At least Spence's teams play hard, are fundamentally sound and usually puts them in position where the kids can make plays.

    C'mon, Spence how about double dipping for us?

  29. Firemenzies.com Marvin needs to step down. NMSU has given him so many resources to win, new practice court and hired his former boss to help him we should have seen this coming.

  30. "Fordham fires coach Whittenburg after 1-4 start" ESPN.com

    Yeah anything is possible. Pay this year out and let one of the assistants takeover!!!! NMSU take notes cause after tonight this may be the Straw that breaks the Camels back!!!!

  31. JG

    Aside from agreement that our basketball coach is a nice guy, but he's just not very good at getting a basketball team to play well together... I think you make a really significant point about Menzies for the first time placing responsibility on himself. It's certainly the first time in three seasons that I've heard those words.

    Although it's still being interspersed with generalities of the solution being the team playing harder instead of specifics. And, we're still gonna hear that its all about the WAC season, as if some of us have forgotten to aspire at an at-large bid with pre-conference wins as well as our desire to beat our rivals. But, it is a start.

    I'm not sure Boston will have the courage to fire him after the season and acknowledge his hiring mistake. But, if Menzies continues to flame out this season, maybe he resigns?

  32. Even though all we talk about is how bad the Aggies are and how Menzies should be out as head coach, I'm still very excited about tonights game against UNM. It's still early and we have good players. Lets back these guys. Yes we were spoiled with Reggie, Henson, and McCarthy, but we should still support this group. Most communities and Universities don't have a rich tradition for college basketball. We still have to represent the team and come out to the games. You think the fans at Utah St. would stop showing up if their team has a bad start to the season? Doubt it.
