Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Not much of a crowd 20 minutes before tip but the students are here.

30 Martinez
00 Hardeman
1 hobson
23 mcdonald
5 gary

32 rahman
24 Lumpkins
1 Young
22 Gibson
13 laroches

UNM 14-8 1527
UNM on a 9-3 run, mcdonald has got some good looks in trans, mcdonald hit a 3 from the corner just before the timeout to score five straight. nmsu started in its zone. we will see how long that lasts

UNM 21-13 11:51
Mcdonald has scored 10 already, mostly in transition and mostly open. Hamidu Rahman has some offensive boards but he cant hit a free throw.

UNM 31-20 716
The Aggies talk about challenging shots, but the Lobos hit 8 of 12 to open the game and Dobson just beat them down the floor for an and-1 to try to open the biggest lead of the game out of the timeout

UNM 41-27 347
Hamidu Rahman isn't getting any help from his guards. Rahman leads NMSU with 12 in the first half. UNM is shooting 61 percent and have hit seven 3s

UNM 52-36 half

59-48 1542
After scoring four points in the first half, JY has woken up with a pair of and-1 in the first four minutes. maybe some easy buckets and free throws will get him going.

UNM 68-67 1034
Young and Gibson woke up. aggies on a 30-15 run, young has scored 14

UNM 75-73 7:53
The Agggies took a brief four point lead which was just their second since first two minutes of the game. Martinez has answered everytime the Aggies want to take control

UNM 82-76 3:47
Young just picked up his fourth foul so the Lobos are going to the line with 347 to play

97-87 Lobos


  1. Ya Know...I'm one of those guys that supports Menzies on this blog. I give him the benefit of the doubt and I don't talk negatively about him. But...

    The Aggies came back from 19 down to take the lead in the 2nd half. How did they do that? Man to man defense. The Lobos killed the Aggie zone in the first half so the NMSU went man to man in the 2nd half and it payed off. But when the Aggies took the lead 68 to 67, Menzies went back to the zone for two possessions in a row. And what did the Lobos do? They hit two threes. We are bigger and more athletic than UNM but we let them take control of the game by going zone after we had taken the lead. Im pissed about this.

    Bad coaching. Bottom line. And I'm a Menzies supporter.

  2. I agree the coaching was bad. We dont play good deffense at all and we try to play UNM ball (a 3 for a 3) instead of controling the game our selves. We used our last time out with 2:30 to go and we just scored. Way to mess up the flow. Also, how is it that Rahman has 12 first half points but they stop using him in the second half. I also dont see where this team is any deeper than past teams that Menzies has had. This could be a very long season even when we get the others back. I just dont beleive the hype.

    Good Luck Aggies!!!

  3. I am going to say it again. Marv is in way over his HEAD..........

    Maybe after this year, Boston will give him another year extension on his contract, for, woulda, coulda, shoulda, almost, if we would of hada missing players, got great recruits coming next year,,,,,,,,
    yea, yea, yea,,,,,,,,,,,,

  4. The zone last night was one of the worst I've ever seen. It was way to soft, there was no switch or help. When there was help it led to a defender being way out of place, which often led to a wide open lobo shooting. Most often a 3, which was good. There is no way we can allow the perimeter shooters take wide open shots. They shot 46% from behind the line, compared to our 34%.

  5. How do you break the zone? Make 3-ptr's .... duh. I don't care if you're Pat Knight over in Lubbock, there's no answer for McDonald raining trey's. If Martinez is going to add more then you just walked into a buzzsaw. You can't match them man-to-man when the Lobos were subbing fresh bodies the whole night.

  6. But remember this is the deepest team NMSU has had in a long time. Wow and not to mention this might be the worst Lobo team in 10 year and we still could not pull off a win.....Menzies got out coached!

  7. The lobos had the ability to sub in fresh players because their kids got the job done in the classroom. If menzies and co took care of the guys outside of the gym, maybe we wouldnt have to rely on the zone defense
