Monday, November 23, 2009


Here is my story on Tuesday's game at Fullerton.

I was just hoping to hear what you would like to see from the Aggies. Personally, I'm not expecting a win. Tyrone Watson will not play on Tuesday, cutting even more into depth and it sounds like this front line is even better and more experienced than the Lobos, which gave the Aggies trouble. Hopefully the Aggies can find someone else to score, maybe Laroche, who seemed like he's looking for and more confident in his shooting thus far. Obviously defensively there is room for improvement. I don't think it will be a blowout, but I would imagine fans just want to see a better effort level?


  1. I never thought I'd be praying for last year's defense to return. But here I am, hoping that we can fight our way back to being mediocre at stopping people. We may see the zone work a little better, as Fullerton doesn't shoot as well as UNM or SMC. This would be unfortunate, as I think it would just convince Menzies that it might work, instead of focusing on solid man with some creative traps thrown in.

    Offensively, we do need a 4th player to step up and produce. It doesn't have to be the same guy every game, but one of Hernst/Gordo/Merker/Lump/Gomez/Sy needs to find a way to get 10, assuming that Rahman gets his 15 and Jy/Jgib get their 45.

  2. Another 20 point loss on the road at best.

    No respect for the coach, means no defensive effort. This aggie team does not like to play "D" because it is Hard Work!!!!!

    There are only a couple of the guys that will D, but that will not cut it when there 3 weak links. The whole thing just totally breaks down!!!!

    Menzies has got to GO!!!!

    And then Boston Next!!!!

    Bring in Rocky Long as the next AD!!!!

  3. I don't expect a win either. If they rebound with Fullerton, then they barely have a chance given the kind of defense, which is more like no defense at all, the Aggies have a penchant for playing these days.

  4. I'd like to see a little more intesity and some HEART!

    Something Marvin Menzo and the players have lacked the past three years!

  5. Good shooters never lose confidence when they go into a slump. So right now let's assume more shots will be dropping becasue the confidence in letting the ball fly is still there. Keep shooting and keep improving on D.

    If they'd quit looking to Rahman for scoring then he could be the anchor for D at the 5 spot. His height should allow the D to extend a little more but he moves too far side to side in the lane. If they give up no easy buckets they still lose to the Lobos, and yes, probably the Titans tonite. But they've lost to the Titans in the Big West and Neil McCarthy days and it was not the end of the world, as it turned out. This Fullerton tilt is still just the fourth game of the 09-10 campaign.

  6. I'm listening to the Fullerton game right now and the Aggies started out the game with a 25-3 lead and lost it!! This is just really sad. It looks like they are going to lose by double digits...just 37 seconds left.

    I really wish Menzies would just resign so we can find a more serious coach...he's too nonchalant about losing games. I like the players NM State has, but they don't have the proper guidance.

    It's over, 84-73 I think...geez.

  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! This is beyond frustrating!! Are you kidding me. To see our huge lead evaporate and we end up losing. At one point we were down by almost 20!!! This coach needs to get off his butt and light a fire!!! The better question is, who's going to light a fire under the coach? his aw shucks attitude has to go. He reminds me of Wade Phillips, and we all know how much success the cowboys have had under him. For those that are interested, Herb Pope is averaging 10 points and 12 boards a game. He is drawing high praise from his head coach, and from his opponents head coaches. His head coach also said that he wouldn't be surprised if he only had him for 1 yr and he left for the NBA.

  8. We are all super frustrated but I don't understand why we keep bringing up the whole Pope situation. It doesn't matter how many points he is scoring now. Pope CHOSE to leave, he wasn't suspended, he wasn't kicked out. His whole problem was that he wanted 40 minutes of play time guaranteed. It wasn't going to happen so he left. NMSU went on a limb for Pope on many occasions, we gave him a chance to play. He opted to leave. End of story. Good luck to Pope but this chapter is closed.

    The bigger issue is why aren't we getting mad at Troy and Wendell for letting their team down and all of us? That's really the issue here--we have two proven players who did not take care of business and let everybody down. We cannot be mad at players who chose to leave, but we can expect and DEMAND that players on our team perform both on and off the court.

  9. Pope left Because of Menzies !!!!! Just Ask him for your self!!!
