Monday, June 15, 2009

Gibson back

I have a couple items that nobody should really be surprised about. Jonathan Gibson took his name out of the early entry list and will return for his senior season. From talking to Jonathan, it sounds like he is trying to develop some leadership qualities. I don't see him as the vocal presence that J.Y. Wendell or potentially Gillenwater, but I think the younger players would respond to his experience, especially De'Shawn Gomez, who is an incoming freshman from L.A. ... I don't expect Chris Gabriel to return next season. Most players come back to campus in early July for summer school and I would be surprised if he returns, unless he has a change of heart.


  1. Anything on the basketball schedule yet????

  2. I don't think it's really based on Gabriel's change-of-heart or not ... I think Menzies told him he's not gonna see the floor at all, so it's in his best interests to try a lower-division program. He's just spinning the story to save Gabriel the embarrassment of being politely asked to not come back.

  3. 007, you could very well be right. but Gabriel asked for his release. He was a Menzies recruit and would eventually have had a chance to see the floor. It's just a matter of taking advantage of the opportunity when it comes and some guys seem more patient for that chance than others. .... 9:24 a.m., Coach Menzies said there were still two games left to fill but i plan to follow up on that either later this week or next week

  4. I agree with Groves on this. Menzies seems to be o.k. with Gabriel returning, but has not seemed overly concerned about his leaving either. Gabriel is probably destined to be a back up to Rahman for his entire career at NMSU if he stays. Overall, likely better for all for Gabriel to catch on with a Big West or WACC school in CA. If Gabriel does leave, Menzies had better bring in one of the 7-footers so often mentioned or there will be a depth issue in the Aggie front court ... particularly if McKines redshirts.

  5. I hope Gabriel lands someplace where he can get some playing time.

  6. Groves,
    What is the word on McKines possibly red-shirting? If that is the case, that's a BIG story ... McKines is the hard & hustle of the team and the Aggies' success in 2009/10 depends largely on him.

  7. I agree with 007. McKines is the breath of that team and if he is not on the court, that changes everything for the Aggies. What's the word?

  8. I haven't forgotten about Wendell, but I don't see the situation changing from what has already been reported. I saw him entering the weight room on campus last week with other players so it appears he's still working out getting ready for either this season when Menzies said he could miss the first semester, or redshirting

  9. Lets be real. If Wendell McKines is eligible for the second semester. McKines is not going to red-shirt. I already heart that it is McKines choice if he red-shirts or not, and from what I have heard. He doesn't want to red-shirt. He wants to play.

  10. Can we get a new post? Any recruiting news? Off season work outs? People leaving? What did Menzies have for dinner last night? Something. The last post was 8 days ago

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