Saturday, February 7, 2009

Women's hoops

I covered the Aggies loss at home against Boise State on Friday. Tough loss, but a couple things stood out to me. The first is that Madison Spence seems like she is more comfortable taking over games. The Aggies gave up their first half lead and went scoreless for five minutes, but Spence started to take over, either scoring herself or dishing to teammates against Boise's zone. It's something that I think she needs to do more and its something I think her teammates accept as a game goes along.

the other thing was a little more fire from Darin Spence. Not that Darin isn't a competitor or intense during games because he is but he was visibly pissed off following the game saying that his team doesn't hate losing enough yet. At times he talks about his teams youth and inexperience which are all factors, but the bottom line is they had this one won and they lost it. They've had some tough losses this season, but maybe they can turn the corner down the stretch, starting sunday against Idaho

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