Friday, January 30, 2009

follow up

What a weird game that was.

How does NMSU get outrebounded 42-27 with San Jose State's best rebounders C.J Webster (18 minutes) and Chris Oakes (26) hampered by foul trouble? and still win. The Spartans had 40 shots compared to 29 NMSU shots in the second half, probably due to 20 offensive rebounds

how does san jose state lead by five with five minutes left despite 21 turnovers and check out this state line by point guard Justin Graham (0 points, 0 rebounds, 3 fouls, 1 assist, nine turnovers)

I think the answer is simple. Jahmar Young and Adrian Oliver. I hope Oliver is ok after hurting the same knee that knocked him out at Boise State. He hasn't played in enough games to show up on the wac leaderboard, but to me, he is probably the second best newcomer i have seen behind Idaho's Mac Hopson. Their coach seemed to think the injury wasn't as serious as before and he was moving ok after the game.

Young was terrific. I still don't understand why teams zone the Aggies. They haven't been consistent in too many areas this season, but the one thing they have are shooters and once Jahmar found the range on some ball movement and drive and kick opportunities there was no stopping him

Here are some comments from Coach Menzies that didn't make the paper

"We would get going and get on a run and they would change defenses. Our defensive transition was bad in spurts and it was because we were taking ill advised shots. we had a lot of guys that were a little quick on the trigger at times. When they play within themselves and shared the ball and the posts looked for the other posts and the guards drive and dish, we looked good. We can makeopen shots because we're a very good offensive team. its just a matter of being patient and passing up the challenged shot for a good shot."

"At home, you're in a more comfortable atmosphere and that;'s a good way to put a team down and out is to not just make a shot but to run some clock and make them play defense for a while and then make the shot. It really zaps their energy and takes the air away."

"The last five minutes, they may have worn down a little bit and our defensive pressure kind of helped us turn the corner a little bit."

On San Jose State's zone
"We were expecting them to zone more and because we were so effective against it early i think he got early. when they went to man thats when they climbed back into it. when they were in the zone, we were pretty good and then in the second half we weren't as patient as we should have been. we settled them down and reminded them where the sweet spots were in the zone, they started looking post to post and short corner and high post and Troy facing the basket where he couldnt get doubled so that was good."


  1. Finally, we get a win; an ugly win, but a win nonetheless. These games are not exciting, and the marketing is terrible! I know bringing up the Theus era is repetitive, but if you remember that era, the games were EXCITING. Not just because of Theus, but because of the Marketing and entertainment value. When the lights would turn off and the video of the players dunking with the battle music, the game was EXCITING before it even started! These games it is like the marketing crew is just there, but not really doing anything. The fans don't get excited, and we all know that fans' excitement and support rubs off on the players, but we don't have that anymore. It's a shame. Good job Steve Macy!
    But hey, at least we got a win.

  2. A weird game to a weird season.

  3. JG,

    Total off topic question here. The program is inducting more playes and teams into the ring of honor tomorrow night. Why arent those numbers retired? I know when most schools put up a players jersey up its usuall retired but Wen is wearing 31 this season. Are we simply putting up the names to be recognized or are they actually being retired?


  4. GS, No retiring of jerseys tommorow as far as i know. It sounds like a recognition thing to me. I'll ask around and put up a better answer prior to tipoff

  5. 007 what would you like to see marketing do besides O Fortuna and getting rid of computer graphic intro? The marketing people aren't just sitting around, I know this for a fact. Lots of hard work is being put into it by mostly student interns. Still there's only so much marketers can do. People show up to the game and expect others to get them excited? What a cop out. Too many people are sitting on their hands and when others try to get them into it, they scoff at them.

    So instead of bitching, why don't you come up with some ideas and send them to Steve Macy?

  6. Steve Macy is a class act and he has his hands full trying to sell tickets this year.
    Give the guy a lead or give him some ideas but, don't bash him for trying!
    The man is trying but, it's kind of tough selling tickets to a bunch of fair weathered fans!
