Saturday, January 3, 2009

Crucial stretch of games

Say what you will about the beginning of the season, but a split on the road this weekend at Fresno and San Jose and I wouldn't be as concerned as some posters seem to be. A sweep would be huge for this team with Utah State and Nevada coming to town next week.

The Aggies can't start 0-2 in league play in my opinion because like in an individual game, this team is better playing with the lead than catch up. All four of their first games are winnable, and I see them splitting the first four, beating Fresno and Utah State with a possible win at San Jose State. How do you think they will do in their first four games and what do you need to see in order to feel good about the rest of the season?


  1. Nevada looked pretty friggin solid versus UNC the other night. Babbit is very mobile and has good range, even out beyond the arc. Gotta catch those guys overplaying the pass on Thursday, then BOOM! backscreen pass through a cutting lane for a lay-up.
    You want to play this first game tonight close and then finish strong at the end. Chalk up every win you can in this league where the top teams are pretty evenly matched.

  2. 3-1, but given the road play all year I think it could be 1-3 on the four game stretch.

  3. Well we got one. Care to revise anon 5:13?

  4. look just don't let this win go to our head. Lets take care of SJSU!! Then worry about USU & Reno Next week

  5. Fresno was terrible. The Aggies played within themselves and the better team won. Good way to start WAC play. If this team can build some confidence they will be dangerous. GO AGGIES!

  6. If you read my post, I said they would go 3-1, but they could easily go 1-3. I dont see a 4-0 start so no need to revise. As bad as FSU is, they should have never cut the lead to 7.

  7. My mistake. I think this portion of the schedule works to our advantage. I think we should handle SJSU, but they always battle us tough in No. Cal. Nevada is beatable, moreso at home. And Utah St will be closing out a 3 game road trip in Las Cruces. Which means they will be traveling from Ruston to LC. That bodes very well for our team.

  8. North Carolina is beatable, too, it turns out. Who would have thunk it from listening to all of the ESPN and CBS talking heads. I was Anon 3:40 worried about Nevada after watching them hang with UNC for the first half. Thursday's game should be fun to attend.

  9. Didn't see the FS game. The stats look like a "live by the 3" game. I'm concerned that the 3-pt percentage equalled the FTs (50%). What's up with JGib at the line this year? versus UNM, his misses were hitting the same spot on the right side of the rim? But the rebounding and minutes from Wendell (31 mins) and Rahman and Gillenwater (23 and 22 mins)are good signs. Otherwise, the Bulldogs played us pretty even, won the second half and simply "died by the three" (23%). I'd hate to see all the games just come down to streaky 3-pt jacking because you can't help but lose your share of those.

  10. Jimmy, the Aggies made a strong effort to feed the paint. We didn't really force anything from behind the arc.

  11. Good, I'm relieved to hear that and glad Rahman could hit those 2 tosses last night under pressure with the game tied (by Gibson). Six attempts in the 1st half vs FS attests to what you are saying.
