Sunday, October 5, 2008

Final offseason move

Well Mick Durham was made official today (Sunday), wrapping up what was another busy offseason at NMSU. Help me out with this, but Herb Pope, Jaydee Luster, Deangelo williams, chris cole, paris carter, johnnie Higgins and Matt Grady left the program in the offseason and Wendell McKines left but came back.

Anyway, there will be a story in Monday's paper and I hope to speak with Durham in the next day or so.


  1. That's a lot of people leaving a program. How many freaking coaches do they have? What exactly is an assistant to the head coach position? Is it a glorified secretary? Basketball can only have four coaches on the floor doing basketball coaching. So, where are all these other positions coming from and why is it mens basketball has them, but not womens basketball? Does NMSU not comply with Title IX mandates? How do they get away with that? Only at NMSU.

    Back to Menzies. How many people can you lose in a year? Wow!

  2. That's a ton to lose in one year. I guess Menzies is clearing space for "his" team. While I don't particularly care of this exodus from NMSU, we have to trust MM is better at personnel decisions than game planning/preparation. And hopefully last year was a learning experience and he will be better. Any idea who else was considered for the assistant slot filled yesterday?
    -Aggie Glare

  3. Who's Deangelo Williams? We had a DeAngelo Jones leave, but no Williams.

  4. The turnover rate is alarming!

    We are in for a tough year. Both Utep and UNM will sweep us under the rug.

  5. Um. wow. anon 9:20, please think before you speak next time. Actually, if this is your thought process, it's best not to speak at all.

    Coach McMullin is second in command. Thats what the title is about. Coach Pompey, Coach Weir, and Coach Durham round out the bench staff. All the other positions are what you'd find at any other school. Really, your comment just wreaks of bias and ignorance.

    It's been a tough time as far as turnover is concerned, but if things take form, we have a solid collection of players and coaches that can build a solid program. Now I have my concerns if Menzies can pull it all together, but I'm not going to go questioning his decisions after much success last season, and a promising one coming up in only his second year.

  6. Hey Jasonm
    What info, if any, can you provide on Makhtar Diop and Kelly Merker. I can't seem to find any info on any of these new players


  7. It doesn't matter if your coach is Steve Alford. I mean, Steve can drain treys from behind this new three-point line way better than any of his players. But he can't go shoot it for them. You think Menzies can't x's and o's it enough to beat UNM? Heck yeah, he can. I saw the recruits that Ritchie McKay was getting up there before, and this year's Alford version 2.0 offering is only slightly better. Even Alford can't sweet talk guys with Big Ten bodies into coming to play in the Mountain West when they can play at Indiana or Iowa, so Las Cruces should not expect it of Menzies in the WAC. Menzies' coaches got promotions to places like, oh say, Louisville! - that's a good sign. The newspaper story shows that the coaches coming in to help recruit have contacts and a plan for success - good informative article by the way, JG, thanks! I think they will outmaneuver Alford. That is unless Stever pulls that same rabbit out his hat and gets Bob Knight to come and be his assistant now that Pat's in charge of the Red Raiders. You know he won't go to Duke... Whatever puts asses in the seats, right?
    -Corn Dog

  8. The loobs are but a drop in the bucket. Sure I'd love to sweep them, but more importantly, I want to win the WAC and go dancing.

    And I would die of shock if Bobby Knight ever took an asst. job anywhere. Seriously.

    Good post though corn dog.
