Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jahmar Young

Thankfully this will all come to an end tomorrow. I've heard nothing but good things about Young this summer so it seems that that he has grown up as a person regardless of what happens in court today.



  1. JY is relatively a good kid who has made some bad decisions. Let's not give up on him, but try to aid him in his growing up process. As a community and as Aggie fans, we can assist in his growth. We should not turn a blind eye to his mistakes based on him being an athlete, but to show him the right way and the correct path to walk.

    Good luck JY.

  2. He seems like a great kid. I saw him at The Game cheering on the Aggies when they played Nebraska. He was getting into it. And just seemed like a cool guy. he's going to have a MVP type season.

  3. College is FOR making mistakes and learning from them. He was an 18 year old kid, hadn't been on campus more than a month, and made an unfortunate mistake. I wish the courts would just get off his back and move on. From what I've seen, he has definitely matured, as most all freshman do from their first year to their second.
    The prosecutors just wanted to push this case because he's a relatively big name and they wanted to turn his situation into an example of a just judicial system.

    PS, prediction: With H.Pope gone, JY is going to step up HUGE this season and it will be a turning point for him in becoming a team leader.

    Go JY & the Aggies!!

  4. Jahmar Young will lead this team in scoring this season.

  5. All of this is very true. I believe JY is a great scorer and a very smooth offensive basketball player. My concern is the point guard position. NCAA tournament teams have great point guard play ie. Elijah Ingram, Billy Keys, Keith Johnson, Sam Crawford, Randy Brown, Sam Lacey. Fred Peete did a decent job, but point guard wasn't his natural position. Anybody know the Johnny Higgins situation?

  6. Coach Menzies has been out of town the last week recruiting so I hope to have something on Higgins if he is in fact off the team.

    Should he be dismissed, I think the point guard spot is once again a weak spot for the Aggies. I thought it would have been a strength going into the season, but going to places like Kansas and USC, and even North Texas with a freshman point guard should be interesting. Unless Gibson or Young see a lot of time at the point early on until Joyner joins the team.

  7. Gibson was a point guard in high school. Joyner is a true point gurad as well, so I have to disagree with you Groves. NMSU will be ok at point gurad. Gibson has not had a chance to play point guard yet.

  8. Thanks for the update JG

  9. Anon at 6:38
    Jonathan could be my favorite player on the team and he talked about wanting to play the point last year, but first I don't know if he can dial down his approach to distribute first and score second. Also he is one of the best 3-point shooters in the WAC so I personally like him at the 2.

    As far as Terrance, you may well be right about his ability, and I'm looking forward to seeing him on the court as well, but as far as freshmen joining the team at semester and having to catch up, we've also been down that road before

    Again, i think they will be fine if jonathan and jahmar log a lot of minutes at either guard spot

  10. JG, do you think Hernst LaRoche can help NMSU at the point this year?

  11. How about Higgins?

    How is it the 25th of September, school started August 21st and he wasn't enrolled? Someone has to explain that one to me and all Aggie fans. Well no wunder a team rule was violated. Duh. Was the kid ever here? What did he do? Team rule? I remember a guy (tyrone) who played all year long for Theus after robbing a pizza delivery person. Higgins must have really done something wrong.

    JG, check that out for us.


  12. I agree with you anon...i hate when coaches pull the team rules card but thats their right i guess. But i can share that it was nothing illegal, but it wasn't a one-time occurance. Chemistry wise, Menzies is trying to build something with a young team. It shows me that Menzies must have a lot of confidence in two freshman point guards that have yet to play a game...in America.
    And I know that he was indeed on campus...I saw him on a couple of occassions, but I don't think he was working out with the team because my understanding was he had yet to be cleared. I spoke with a nmsu official, who said there is a certain deadline that has yet to pass where if a player left, he wouldnt be counted against the apr.

    Anon on Sept 24.....I'm not sure about LaRoche right now....I will have a story on him in Tuesday's paper so look out for that.

  13. I should say that I don't believe that it's anything illegal

  14. Jonathon G is a shoot first, shoot second and shoot third type of player. But that's ok, we need a guy who will want to step up and take shots. He is a 2 in a point guard period. JY is a great fit in that point guard role. He's tall, long, athletic, explosive and he has that swagger all good point guards have. Having a taller point guard is a huge plus, just check out our women's team with Madi Spence and all she has added. JY is the answer. He will handle it and will score when he needs to. Give him the ball and let him learn as he goes.

    As for that other name,someone brought up, who in the heck is he?

  15. LaRouche? The north-of-the-border NAFTA signee, 6-1, 170 from Vanier (pronounced van-YEAH) College? If you saw Davidson plowing through the NCAAs last year, you saw that Stephen Curry had a supporting cast of Cannucks. Will he be the next Steve Nash? ...right now I'm saying wait until the Crimson and White game on the 18th.

    As for JY, he had the ball in the right corner with the D-set, Noonan had a hand in his face and time winding down in the 3rd OT v. the Broncos. Now he probably could have got 2 pts. driving from there 6 times out of ten, as JY did in totally dominating the Broncos in Boise. But by the WAC tourney, Menzies had made him a team guy and he's still yet to set foot in Hawaii. So, he held it and gave it up ultimately JHawk and well, we all know how it turned out. But the point is you learn by making mistakes and from watching the seniors come up a hair short.
    jimmy crack corn
