Saturday, March 29, 2008

Nevada takes a hit

Things wil get better for Aggies fans if Nevada sophomore center JaVale Mcgee gets drafted this summer. The seven footer, who led the WAC in blocked shots, has reportedly hired an agent with intentions of entering the draft. An official release will come Monday. I'm not certain, but I don't think Marcelus Kemp hired an agent last summer while he tested the interest of the league. If Mcgee is gone, I'm sure the Wolf Pack will find other weapons, but they had a big time nucleus coming back next year in the backcourt, espeically with the addition of a mcdonalds all american small forward Luke babbitt from Reno set to join next year.


  1. I honstly thought that Nevada would win the WAC hands down next year. They're still a top 3 team and that cry baby Fox can coach and motivate his players.

    NMSU losses a lot of talent and returns only one starter. Menzies coaching is still questionable.
    We will be a top 5 team in the WAC.

  2. I only saw Javale McGee play two times which was at the WAC tourney in Las Cruces. He did not dominate the Aggies but instead we kept him in check. I grant he can block shots but he was not dominating on the boards. To me he was soft and easy to push around. I don't see him as first round NBA material. Maybe somebody will take a chance on him in the second round. He never went strong to the basket when he had the ball against the Aggies in the WAC tourney. He would have done himself better by playing at least another year or two in college. The NBA is tough especially playing around the basket. We will see if his stock rises after the NBA pre-draft camps. My last point is why do people still question Menzies coaching? I saw the Aggies demolish Nevada at the tourney. Does that make Nevada Coach Fox a bad coach? As of today, NMSU and Nevada will be favorites going into next year.

  3. McGee is done. Once he hires a agent he can't play college basketball anymore, Kemp never hired a agent, and that is why he was able to play this year. This is good news, because Nevada isn't going to be as great as everyone though they would be.

  4. Herb Pope has been calling his high school back in Pittsburgh asking him to get him to a school back on the east coast. Reason being, he has a baby now and his girlfriend who was living in Las Cruces with him has moved back to the east coast. He doesn't seem to like it in Las Cruces and also wants to play on the wing as oppose to the 4.

    Jus something a li'l bird wisphered in my ear. Take it for what its worth.

  5. Oh I love the grapevine. Since he has a child, don't you think he'd want to get to the NBA asap and provide well for him/her? Transferring puts that on hold for at least another 2 years. Not to mention sitting out a WHOLE season is going to cost him a lot. And if he wants to play on the wing, he has a very good chance at doing that this year at NMSU. What the "li'l bird" a dodo bird?

  6. I also read bleed crimson's interview w/ Marvin Menzies where, he calls the season a success.

    If he would have said: " 21 wins is always good and co-WAC champs is also very good but, we did fall short of our goals in winning the WAC tournament and going to the big dance".

    I find him to be very, very, complacent.
    You get a one year pass, Marvin. Get it together or the heat is really going to come down.

    Changing subjects.
    The FB and MBB attendance suffered this year.
    Is NMSU in the red this year?
    I can't see how it was a profitable year for athletics. Anyone know?

  7. I sure hope your wrong about Pope. I hope he stays, but if he doesn't want to be here then he needs to go! I would sure hate to loose him! It is a hell of a change from PA to Las Cruces.

  8. Tough situation for Herb if the rumor is true. Wanting to be with your girlfriend and baby can be tough on anybody especially being so far from home. I hope he can work it out and stay. We need Herb but if he is unhappy with the situation, you can't force him to stat. I hope he makes a decision soon so that he leaves NMSU time to fill in his spot.

  9. Anon 5:29

    Complacent? Really, because you don't care for the words he uses? And that a 20 win season, a share of the regular season title, and falling just short of dancing is actually considered successful by many of us. Yeah it sucks we didn't make it to the tournament, but considering all the BS the team went through, and that this was his first year on the job, he gets to call this season whatever he likes.

    And where have you been? Dr. McKinley already stated we are going to be about 5 million dollars in the whole this year. Pay attention.

  10. I don't think he will transfer, because he is going to be playing the wing for NMSU next year. The only reason why he didn't play it this year was because we had Hawkins. Plus if he transfers he would have to wait two more years to play, and I don't think he would want to wait that long to play again. So I thinkt he rumor is B.S

  11. groves great reporting on McGee, but any NBA or Europe love for our seniors?

    you should do a sit down with Herb Pope to see if he is truly leaving or going to put the team on his back and carry us to success...

  12. $5M profit for NMSU athletics!! Ha, ha!
    The big money makers are FB and MBB and the attendance was atrocious!
    The women teams outshined the mens but, they were playing to small crowds. As much as like the women, the money did not come from women sports.

    Ask yourself, If we have a $5M profit. Why did not spend $50k in the CBI tournament?
    $50k in a $5M profit is chump change and we walked away.

    The Athletics department is in the red!
    Don't be fooled. No money is being in athletics!

  13. Oh come Anon 1:35 are you that dense? The commenter said whole, when he clearly meant HOLE. How do you get profit out of that statement?

  14. whether this whole Herb rumor is true or not, I would not think it very smart for herb to transfer now. He was not the big stud that everyone expected him to be this year for obvious reasons and therefore I dont believe many big colleges on the East were paying attention to him. If he really wants to leave to be with his girl and baby then he needs to stay here another year and do what he is capable of doing. His stock may even rise to that of NBA level or at least he will draw some good colleges to him on the East. Until then he needs to just stay and work on becoming the star that everyone is hoping he will be.

    And Anon 1:35, athletics did not play in the CBI because no one felt that the money would be replaced with our fans showing up and there was no real television coverage or benefits of doing it. Pay attention to what is going on around you.

  15. Mcgees move my not look as good now that the Lopez brothers from Stanford have declared Brook will go ahead of JaVale for sure, and he a Robing will be a toss up!!

  16. Mr Groves-
    Can you do an update story on any players we are looking at signing in mens hoops in April. Thanks keep up the great work

  17. Any news on Fox's interview with California.

    Also, I haven't heard anything about other WAC schools getting any money from Hawai'i's Sugar Bowl trip, like Boise's Fiesta Bowl season. Is there any money being shared with the conference, if so how much?

  18. People should read this.
